A news item from The Modesto Bee, Sep. 21, 1958, accompanying the book reads:
"Mrs. Dix Prepares Index of Early County Records
An index to the early records of the county has been compiled by Mrs. Ray Dix of Edgar Avenue, who personally scrutinized the documents, many of them in faded Spencerian script, to complete the work. It has been pre sented to the McHenry Public Library by the Major Hugh Moss chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution.
The 278 page book, Early Records of Stanislaus County, includes marriages from 1854-1905 and abstracts of wills from 1872 to 1905. Following a section of marriage records, Mrs. Dix has included an index of brides in order that a researcher, knowing only the wife's maiden name, will be able to find her married name and the marriage certificate.
A section on Will abstracts is augmented by an index including each hear and witness."
There are a number of Coffees and one or two Coffeys in the index. If you are researching in Stanislaus Co. you should download and save this PDF file for future reference.
Click on the title link to visit the website.