
October 11, 2006

The Oregon Trail

According to the website, The Oregon Trail was created by "...Mike Trinklein and Steve Boettcher, creators of The Oregon Trail, the award-winning documentary film which aired nationally on PBS."

The site is divided into five sections:

- All About the Trail - a "mini textbook on the Oregon Trail"

- Historic Sites on the Trail - "Fron St. Louis to Oregon City, travel to all the key sites."

- Fantastic Facts about the Oregon Trail - "Wind-powered wagons, a $100 drink of water, and much more."

- Trail Archive - "Full-text of Trail diaries and books."

- Shop the Oregon Trail - "Videos, books, kids books, audio tapes, and computer games."

There is also a link especially for teachers.

My personal favorite, and the page that I visit most often is the Trail Archive. This is where you will find diaries, memoirs and period books.

William Porter, one of the diary authors, was the husband of Sarah Coffey, daughter of Nebuzaradon and Elizabeth Easley Coffey who left Wilkes Co., NC for Oregon in about 1847-48.

Click on the Archive link above, or the title link to start at the beginning.