
November 2, 2006

Julia Jane (Jennie) Coffey

Julia Jane Coffey

From the Watauga Democrat, Thursday, August 5, 1954

Miss Jennie Coffey, 101 years Old, Succumbs Tuesday Noon

Miss Jennie Coffey, aged 101 years, Watauga county's oldest citizen and pioneer merchant of Boone, died at her home Tuesday noon, following a long period of failing health.
Funeral services will be conducted from the Boone Methodist Church today (Wednesday) at 3 o'clock. The pastor, Rev. J. T. Shackford will conduct the rites and interment will be in the city cemetery.

Miss Coffey was born in Caldwell county December 5, 1852, and had resided in Watauga for more than seventy-five years. In her early years here, she established a millinery shop, and sold school text book and school supplies, and was in business here longer than any other person.

She was a member of the Methodist Church throughout her adult life and for more than half a century had taught an adult Sunday School class. She had retired from active church work, and business activities some years ago, but hadn't suffered critical disability until the last few months.

Miss Coffey was the last survivor of a family of 16, which included the late Capt. Thomas Coffey and Mr. W. C. Coffey of Boone.

Survivors include a number of nieces and nephews, among whom are Mrs. Nell Linney and Mrs. Remmel Porter of Boone.

Aunt Jenny Coffey, Daughter of First Chairman Caldwell Board of Commissioners, Dies

Miss Julia Jane Coffey, 101, daughter of Caleb Coffey, who served as first chairman of the Caldwell County Board of Commissioners when this county was formed, died at her home in Boone yesterday.

Funeral services were conducted at the First Methodist church there at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Interment was made in the Boone cemetery.

Known to a host of friends and relatives in this section of the State as "Aunt Jennie," she was born in Caldwell county in December 1852. She had made her home in Boone for the last three-quarters of a century. She had operated a millinery shop in Boone for many years.

She was the last surviving member of Caleb Coffey in which there were 16* children.

She was a great-aunt of Clarence P. Coffey of Lenoir, and was related to Walter Sullivan, Earl Austin, Howard Powell, Ed Lee Steel, Harold F., D. Archie and Miss Irene Coffey and others in Lenoir and the county.

Jennie was a sister of Thomas Jefferson Coffey
Clippings courtesy of Margaret J. Farley of Winston-Salem, NC

*I have found only 14