
January 29, 2007

Joel Anderson Coffey

Update: Feb. 4, 2010 - Sorry!  The link to Joel's story is dead.  Too bad!

"J. A. Coffey was born in Tennessee June 10, 1818. His father Elijah Coffey, with his little family of seven children emigrated to Indiana in the fall of 1821, stopping and spending the first year in Monroe County, near where Elletsville now stands. He first quartered himself in a little ten by twelve hut, on some lands then belonging to Benjamin Parks, but more recently owned by Samuel Harbison. Here he spent the first year in working for Mr. Parks, and some few others, for what provisions it took to support his family."

And so begins "his life story" as told by J. W. Archer, of Spencer, IN. Click on the title link to read the full story.