Henderson and Alice had two children:
Maudie Coffey Jackson
She is buuried in Rose Hill Cemetery, Princeton Pike, Hamilton Co.
- Martha, born Sep., 1908 and is still living, although in poor health. Her husband was Oscar Jones of Wayne Co., KY.
The following, as well as the photographs, was contributed by Ola Jackson of Fairfield, OH who is a grandchild of Henderson and Alice:
"The story of my Grandfather Henderson is a sad one. He was playing cards with a "friend" and lost. There was a disagreement . The next morning he was riding his horse past another friends barn, when the disgruntled card player heard him comment to the friend that he had cheated. The "friend" then came out and shot him.. My mother was just 3 years old and her sister , Martha was 1 year old. I have recently found out that the man's name who shot Henderson was Owen Worley. Maudie had eight more siblings who had a different father. Alice Clark Coffey. married Alex Tucker of Wayne County KY. One of the half sisters told me that name. My mother told me that it was around Christmas when Grandfather was shot.... He lived until January."
"Maudie was born at Wolf Creek, Yamacraw , Kentucky She was raised in Wayne County. I don't know if Martha was born in McCreary County or not, but she was raised in Wayne County. I do know that my mother attended school in McCreary County. Maudie died on March 23, 1994. This Coffey Family is buried in Coffey Cemetery #1. Benjamin Franklin Coffey owned much land that they sold part of to The Stearns Coal Co."
[The] "Cemetery where Maudie Jackson is interred is Rose Hill Cemetery, Princeton Pike , Hamilton , Ohio. She passed away here in Fairfield. We have lived in and around Fairfield for many years. I am the 5th child of Maudie and Charles Jackson.. Grandfather L. Henderson was the son of Benjamin Franklin Coffey Sr. and Lorilda (I have seen different spellings such as Lorilla, Cereilea, etc. on the internet.) Dobbs. Alice Clark was the daughter of Henry Clark , born in Campbell County TN or Whitley County Ky, reports differ, and Rebecca Morrow. They lived in Wayne County Kentucky. Henry was a Civil War Veteran, joining when he was 17. He died in October 1942. He was in the 12th KY Reg. Co H. .The Clarks are from Henry County Virginia."
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