
May 17, 2008

William Lewis and Martha Cropp Coffey

William and Martha Cropp Coffey, whose headstones can be view by clicking on the title link, have been identified.

William (Willie) is the son of John Robey and Mamie W. Womack Coffey. John, Mamie, William and Martha are buried at Green Hill Cemetery in Buena Vista, Rockbridge Co., VA.

For those of you have been to Coffeytown and have seen the Coffeytown stone, Willie was the creator.

The following was sent to me by John Taylor:

"Willie painted the rock you photographed which says ”Coffeytown”. It’s the second rock to say that. The house next to the church – the green one – was Charles E Coffey’s house and has been sold out of the family. In his sideyard (away from the church) is a huge bolder, It originally had the word “Coffeytown” painted on it, but the locals ticked off the new owner of the property, so he stripped the paint off the rock. Then “Willie” had a boulder brought in and he painted it with the “Coffeytown” word!

Willie’s son Pike presently lives on the hill to the right of the [new] rock as you see it from the main road."