
February 9, 2011

Citing this Blog

I crawl a lot of websites during the day, searching for accurate, usable Coffey/Coffee leads.  I am also a subscriber to where there are literally thousands of unsourced Coffey family trees.  In addition, I have a number of "alerts" established in Google that sends me an e-mail whenever the name Coffey or Coffee shows up in news articles, blogs, and family websites.

As a result of all this, I am finding that some folks are using my blog entries - verbatim - without attaching a source.

Contrary to some opinion, the data I present - in the form presented - can be, and is copyrighted. Readers are not allowed to copy any part of my blog without citing me as the source.  I choose to give readers and researchers certain rights to my data by the following:

Creative Commons License
Coffey/Coffee Call by Jack Coffee is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

There are many ways that my blog can be cited as the source of the information being copied.  One that is satisfactory to me is:

Coffee, Jack. “(title of the appropriate blog without parens”)., (date of blog without parens)

I make a conscientious effort to cite MY sources.  I don't always post them in the blog because the Blogger editor is not ideal and entering sources for each date, comment, etc. would take forever.  But, for the most part, the sources are available for the asking.

Thank you for your consideration!