
January 2, 2015

Evelyn Chew Wedding - Granddaughter of Titian J. Coffey

Previous blogs about Titian J. Coffey can be found here and here.

Other links to Titian J. Coffey family that will be of interest to his family history:

Mrs. Mary Coffey Will be Buried Monday Morning

Engagement of Miss Evelyn Chew To Thomas Roberts, Jr., Announced

Grandchildren Get $1,000,000 Estate

Will of Titian J. Coffey

Will Probated

Titian J. Coffey Death Notice

"The marriage of Miss Evelyn Chew, granddaughter of Mrs. Titian J. Coffey, to Mr. Thomas Roberts, jr., of Philadelphia, took place yesterday [Dec. 6, 1911] afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in the home of her grandmother, in K Street.  Only a small family party was present at the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. Roland Cotton Smith, of St. John's Episcopal Church, assisted by Rev. Dewees Roberts, of Boston, brother of the bridegroom.

"The house was a mass of Bride roses, palms, and ferns, placed so thickly about the house they seemed to be growing out of the walls.  A string orchestra played the wedding music.  The bride was escorted and given in marriage by her father, Mr. John Chew.  She wore a handsome gown of ivory satin, made with a Dutch neck and trimmed with rare old family lace, and a little passementerie of pearls.  The skirt had a long square court train.  The bridal veil was of tulle edged with lace and held in place with a cap effect and bunches of orange blossoms.  A shower bouquet of lillies of the valley completed the costume.

"Mrs. J. Upshur Moorhead, sister of the bride, was matron of honor.  She wore a dainty gown of pale pink satin with tunic drapery of pale blue chiffon, the drapery bordered with a wide band of opalescent beadwork.  In her hair she wore a bandeau of gold and she carried a cluster of pink roses and lillies of the valley.  Mr. George Roberts, of Philadelphia, brother of the bridegroom, was best man.

"A number of intimate friends were asked for the reception which followed the ceremony.  Mrs. Coffey, grandmother of the bride, was gowned in a handsome toilette of black lace over black satin, trimmed with the most exquisite old point lace.  Mrs. Thomas W. Symons, niece of Mrs. Coffey; Mrs. A. Gordon-Cumming, and Miss Fanny Whelan assisted Mrs. Coffey in the drawing-room and dining-room.  Mrs. Coffey received the guests seated in a large armchair.

"Mrs. Marguerite Barbour was hostess at a dinner last evening in honor of her house guests, Miss Samuels, of Philadelphia, and Miss Theresa Kohn, of New Orleans, who arrived in Washington yesterday for the marriage of Miss Evelyn Chew.  They will visit Miss Barbour for several days.

"Miss Alive Vandergrift entertained at a luncheon yesterday in compliment to several out-of-town guests who attended the wedding of Miss Chew and Mrs. Roberts yesterday.

"Among the out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Roberts, the bridegroom's parents; Mr. and Mrs. George Roberts and their family, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Reath and their family, all of  Philadelphia, and the Rev. Dewess Roberts and Mrs. Roberts, of Boston.  Mr. and Mrs. Roberts left after the reception for a wedding trip in the South, the bride traveling in a tailored suit of rough blue cloth made with a Russian blouse and collar and cuffs of black corded silk, and a smart black velvet hat trimmed with pink and green French roses.  After an extended stay in the South they will make their future home in Philadelphia.

"The bride is identified with the most exclusive resident circles of Washington, known as the 'cave dwellers.'  She was presented to society at the home of Mrs. John R. McLean at a large reception several years ago.  Mrs. Coffey, with whom her granddaughter has always made her home, has been prevented from taking any active part in society in the Capital on account of ill health.  Mrs. Moorhead, the bride's sister, who attended her at the wedding, was a contemporary of Miss Ethel Roosevelt*, the debutante of the last administration, her marriage taking place at the close of her first season.

"The engagement of Miss Chew and Mr. Roberts waas announced early this fall, before the return of Mrs. Coffey and her granddaughter from the Virginia Hot Springs, where they spent the greater part of the summer."

*Ethel Carow Roosevelt Derby, youngest daughter of Theodore.

Source:  The Washington Herald, Dec. 7, 1911, p5, cols. 3-6. [] The article as presented here is broken in to paragraphs to facilitate ease of reading.  See additional societal information continued in the article.