
April 2, 2006

Watauga Co., NC

Are you researching in Watauga Co., North Carolina?

The New River Notes website touts itself as a "Historical and Genealogical Resources for the Upper New River Valley of North Carolina and Virginia." Information in the title header says that it has been on-line since 1998. I haven't checked the entire New River site; only the Watauga Co. pages that can be reached by clicking on the title link.

The page is divided into a number of sections: Historical Files, Agriculture, Arts, Biography, Business Links, Cemeteries, Churches and Religions, Education, Environment, Genealogy, Geography and Geology, Government, Historic Places, Medicine, Miscellaneous Links, Museums, Newspapers, Parks, Photographs, and Towns and Communities.

To give an idea of what can be found under Historical Files: The capture and rescue of Benjamin Cleveland; county records inventory, History of Watauga, 1849-1870; NC Civil War Homepage; 27th NC Troops 1861-1865.

Files in the Genealogy section include a link to Watauga County, NC Roots; Coffey Cousins' (nice of them to include us!), Descendants of Samuel McQueen, and several others.

Towns and Communities includes Blowing Rock, Boone, and Cove Creek.

The site promises a lot of information.