
September 4, 2007

Wayne County, Kentucky Cemeteries Project

I have spent several hours over the past couple of days browsing this site and finding not only birth and death dates but also, several family links that had not previously found while researching the Wayne Co., KY Coffeys.

The introduction to this work reads:

For over twenty years the book Wayne County, Kentucky Cemeteries by Bennie and Juanita Coffey has been a valuable resource tool for those of us researching our family in the Wayne County area. I am pleased to announce that the Coffeys have agreed to share their book online for your personal research. I would like to extend my thanks to the Coffeys for their hard work and their generosity [and] to all who assisted in making this book a reality.

When I began browsing this site I read the "How to use online book:" that is reached by clicking on the above title link. The method that I pursued was to click on the Name Index and print the couple of pages with the Coffey names. Then, I went back to the How to Use page and clicked on the Cemetery Index page.

Don't bother using the Quadrangle links; they don't work. Instead scroll down until you find the page range on which your Coffey of interest was found in the index pages that you just printed.

For example, suppose you need to view the information for Cosby Coffey. The index reveals that he can be found on page 217. That page is in the Montecello quadrangle (interesting to know I suppose if you're using a quadrangle map). Scroll down until you find the link to pages 215 to 218. Clicking on that link will take you to the Kendrick Cemetery. Use Ctf-F in your browser to find the entry for Cosby.

I sometimes had a problem determining the name of some of the cemeteries. The authors of the webpage give coordinates (latitude and longitude) for which you might need a magnifying glass to read, but didn't always give the name or the closest town to some of the cemeteries. I used the coordinates and my Street Maps software from DeLorme to find the cemetery and determine what town or village the cemetery is closest to. I like to record coordinates and other information about cemeteries just in case some future researcher stumbles across my work. With those and a GPS receiver he, or she, will be able to easily find the cemeteries.

Now, all I need is a website that will give me all of the marriage dates for those Wayne Co., KY Coffeys.

Please use the below e-mail address to contact me.