
September 18, 2008

Guest Editors

The previous blog was number 773.  That's averages out to somewhere close to 200 blogs per year, or around 17 per month over the last four or so years.  I still have a lot of information to share, but I find that my time to extract, compile info, and write the blog is growing shorter.

I am sure that regular readers have noticed that I go for days - perhaps a week or more sometimes - without writing anything new. 

So, I have a proposal:

I'll open the blog to anyone who would like to contribute information as a Guest Editor.  He or she will present information in their own words with little or no interference from me so long as the language remains clean.  Your name as author will appear on everything you contribute.

Blogger isn't very good at handling items like family group sheets, etc., so just plain old narrative reports are what I default to.

If you haven't blogged before, Blogger makes it really easy.  I have chosen a pre-prepared layout, chose my own colors, placement, etc.  All I do is - essentially - fill out a form when I write.

You don't have to write all the time, or even more than one time.  And, you can write about your family as it connects to any Coffey/Coffee family. 

So, drop me a note if you would like to share this space with me.

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