
December 17, 2008

We're There!

We completed the closing on the new house this past Monday morning. All was going smoothly until our agent discovered that the purchase agreement and the closing papers did not totally agree. After the closing papers were changed to agree with the conditions the builder and I had initially agreed upon, we were out of there is less than an hour!

I can tell you now, she earned her fee! Don't ever try to buy a home without a knowledgeable agent on your side.

When was the last time you entered a business office, and the secretary was using an IBM Selectric typewriter instead of a computer? I was amazed to find that being used in the lawyer's office to complete the paperwork! I had not seen one of those since sometime in the early 1980's!

My internet connection is still not working like I think it should. We are also experiencing a few other problems with AT&T. Our cell phone calls typically go to voice mail now instead of ringing, and caller ID does not work on the house phones.

After a dozen or more calls to their customer support line, I finally found someone there a bit more interested in my internet connection problem than previous techs had been. We went through several changes in the AT&T software used to connect to their network. When that failed to improve connection speed, the tech contacted another desk and found out that several people in my area had reported cell fone and air card connect problems. So, they are sending more techs out to check for problems at the cell tower closest to me.

So, now that we are somewhat settled, have a wreath on the new door and a tacky "Dollar General" Christmas tree sitting on an end table, I will close out this final 2008 blog with best wishes to everyone for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

See you in 2009!

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