Franklin's death certificate records his mother's maiden name as Rebecca Toler. The same name was given in brother Caleb's death certificate. Caleb died on Nov. 29, 1923 in Wayne Co. Both were buried in the Coffey family cemetery at Eadsville. Although no record has been found, Malinda is presumed to be buried there as well.
There were at least nine children born to Franklin and Malinda:
Ellen T., born Mar. 5, 1857 in Eadsville, died there Mar. 10, 1942. According to her death certificate, Ellen died single and of cancer. She was buried at Parmley's Grove in Monticello, Wayne Co.
Caleb Thomas, born Nov. 13, 1858 in Eadsville, died of choleocystitis there on Aug. 25, 1935. He is also buried in the Coffey cemetery. He married Roseline Arthur [date unknown], who was born c1855 in Eadsville and died May 18, 1930 in Wayne Co. She was the daughter of John and Frankie Dean Arthur. Known hildren born to Caleb and Roseline were Grover Cleveland (Cleve), Sep. 4, 1886-Jan. 3, 1869, married Ora M. Alley; and Wilburn Hugh, born Oct. 12, 1898 [no other info].
Henry Clay, born Jan. 15, 1859 in Eadsville, died of heart failure on Sep. 11, 1941 in Monticello. He married Dora Conn [no other info]. Known children were Cell, born Feb. 3, 1896, died Oct. 14, 1964; William born May 15, 1898 [no other info].
Eliza J., born Dec. 8, 1864 in Eadsville and, died there of pneumonia on May 17, 1922. According to her death certificate she was married at the time of death but, I do not know her husband's name.
Luetta, born c1866 in Eadsville and enumerated in 1920 in Wayne Co. as a single woman in the household with her sister Ellen.
Lewis, born Oct. 2, 1873 in Eadsville, died by drowning [apparent suicide] Jul. 24, 1937 in Eadsville. He married Josie Ann Daffron [date not known], born Mar. 21, 1881 at Eadsville, and died there on Sep. 2, 1933. Their known children were: Dewey Herbert, born 1899; Aaron, born 1900; Albert R., born c1903; Zona, born c1907; Otha, born c1908; and Robert, born c1911.
Rella [?] F., born c1876 at Eadsville; married a Rankin [no other info].
Braxton, born c1879 [no other info].
Please contact me with corrections and/or additions.

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