Genealogists love old family photographs!
They make an otherwise dull genealogy book more interesting. Many readers have supplied photos of their ancestors for use in the Edward Coffey "project," and I have used many of them here. Based on e-mail comments, readers of the blog have enjoyed them as much as I.
If you have any photographs of your ancestors please consider sending scanned images to me along with your family information for use in this blog. I can use any format (jpg, tiff, or gif). Please scan them at the highest resolution that your scanner can handle, and at least as large as 4" x 5". I can always cut them down to fit the blog format, but need the higher resolution to get as much detail as possible. Be sure and include as much information as you can on each person in the photographs.
The Edward Coffey "project" is my effort to assemble the most comprehenvice genealogy possible on the descendants of Edward and Ann Powell Coffey. It represents my efforts over the past 20+ years, and has involved travel, book purchases, months of census work, thousands of e-mail exchanges, telephone calls, and "snail mail." At last count the file was closing in on 900 pages in PDF. It includes photographs, sources and full name index. The most up-to-date version is available on CD for a reasonable price.
Contact me for more details.