
November 6, 2006

James Coffey, of Surry County, North Carolina

[Updated Oct. 3, 2009 to add new link to Fred's website]

Fred Coffey, a Coffey Cousin and resident Coffey "DNA expert" has prepared a document containing his prospective on a James Coffey found in early Surry Co., NC. This James might be the illegitimate son of Annister Coffey, daughter of Edward and Ann Powell Coffey.

Little or nothing is known about Annister except that she "was indicted by Grand Jury in Essex County, Virginia, on November 17, 1736 for 'having a base born child.' She named this child, James Coffey."

The author also provides a bit of history of the area, and links are given for those that would like to dig further into this fascinating and historic area of North Carolina.

Readers can find the document by clicking on the title link.