
June 13, 2007

Oliver Hill Coffey (1851 KY - 1950 IA)

Oliver Hill Coffey was born Dec. 11, 1851 in Jamestown, Russell Co., KY to James L. and Susan Ann Bradshaw Coffey. James was a son of John Hayes and Mary Burkett. Oliver married Elizabeth Frances Tiller on Feb. 1, 1874 in KY.

Elizabeth was born Feb. 4, 1857 in Jamestown to Edward Tiller, an Englishman, and Emily J. Lair of Russell Co. Elizabeth died Jan. 14, 1942 in Hamburg; Oliver died there on Nov. 25, 1950. Both are buried in the Mt. Olive Cemetery in Hamburg. Edward Tiller is said to have died in Oregon c1862, and Emily in Hamburg in 1911.

Children of this union were:

James Edward, born Jan. 1, 1875 in Jamestown, died Jun. 7, 1927 in Hamburg. He married Mary Etta Pauley, born 1875, died 1951 in Hamburg. James' WW1 draft registration card revealed that he was tall with a medium build, brown eyes and black hair. He was a farmer who resided with his wife at RFD 2 in Hamburg.

Everly Judson, born May 22, 1879 in Jamestown, died Apr. 17, 1960 in Saskatchewan, Canada. He married Laura Janette Proctor, born in Hamburg on Mar. 1, 1886. She died Feb. 16, 1972, also in Saskatchewan.

Nellie May Coffey was born Nov. 11, 1881 in Hamburg, and died there on Apr. 1, 1969. She was twice married. I believe her first husband was Martin Jenkins Travis, born Nov. 3, 1879 in Council Bluffs, IA, died Dec. 2, 1946 in Hamburg. Her second husband was Dee Notson who died in Hamburg in 1967.

Mollie, born Dec. 14, 1883 in Hamburg and died there on May 16, 1958. She married Victor Catlett, born Sep. 26, 1885 in IA and died in Hamburg on Sep. 14, 1961.

Emma, born Sep. 25, 1885 in Hamburg, died there on Jan. 19, 1969. She married Harry Houts, born in MO on Sep. 23, 1883 and died Jun. 15, 1969 in Hamburg. They were married on Feb. 10, 1910 in IA.

Hattie, born Nov. 16, 1887 in IA, died 1970 in Hamburg. She married Henry Clayton.

Jack Boyce, born Aug. 2, 1889 in Hamburg, died Oct. 17, 1972 in Omaha, Douglas Co., NE. He married Esther Baldwin. She was born in 1894 and died Mar. 10, 1946. Jack registered for the draft in Hamburg on Jun. 5, 1918 when he was 27 years old. He was described as being tall and stout with gray eyes and black hair, and a farmer employed by Victor Catlett, his brother-in-law. Boyce - as named in the census (Jack Boyce on WW1 registration) - was unmarried and living with his parents at the time of the 1920 census.[*]

Thomas Tiller, born Aug. 2, 1892; a death date has not been found. He also registered for the draft in Hamburg on Jun. 5, 1918. He gave his age as 24 [**] and was said to be of medium build and height with gray eyes and dark brown hair. He was unmarried, and like Jack was employed by Victor Catlett. Thomas claimed exemption from the draft because of "weak eyes."

[*] I received the following on Apr. 7, 2016: "Hello. I am a descendant of Oliver Hill Coffey.  I was reading your site and noticed that one of his children was noted as 'Jack B' Coffey, who was married to Esther Baldwin.  This was my great grandfather.  He had a son named Boyce Baldwin Coffey.  I wanted to note a necessary correction:  'Jack B' was actually Boyce Brodus.  He registered for the WWI draft as 'Jack B' because he was previously turned down by the draft board due to a medical condition (a poorly healed leg fracture).  He used an alias to join the Army.  His discharge certificate hung on my grandfather's office wall for years.  Anyway, the information you have is technically correct, but I wondered if it may have prevented any further lineage trace because he used his real name on my grandpa's birth certificate.  He (Boyce Brodus, aka Jack B) and Esther Baldwin had a son, who in turn had 3 kids (Charles, Mark, and Crystal).  Mark is my father and lives in Montana.  I also have a son (Maol-Eown).  Just thought you might find this information interesting."

Riley Coffey |

[**}Given birth date and registration date, Thomas was really closer to being 26 years old when he registered for the draft.