Mr. Coffey was born in Ireland, in 1846, to Peter and Mary (Parley) Coffey. In 1859, at the age of thirteen, he ran away from home and engaged as seaman on board a British vessel bound for America. He reached New York after a voyage of over three months, the munificent sum of two cents constituting his entire wealth. He first obtained employment in bridge-building in the City of New York, for which he received seventy-five cents per day. He worked at this employment until he had accumulated enough to take him to Cincinnati, Ohio, where, for a time, he followed the business of a painter. After working in Cincinnati for a year, he went to St. Louis, and engaged in a gas-fitting and plumbing establishment, where he partially learned the trade. At the end of two years he found employment with the St. Louis Gas Light and Coke Company, where he learned the business that he has followed ever since, and in which he has been quite successful.
So begins the short biography on Thomas Coffey, Irish emigrant. Click on the title link to read the remainder. Thomas' bio is well down the page so use your browser's "find" function to locate him.
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