The reader question on the previous blog prompted me to do a bit of digging into the Squire Coffey men of Missouri.
I have found three with that name in Maries Co. and they are all related to Squire Coffey, born 1803 in Burke Co., NC, died after 1840 in Cherokee Co., NC. I'll call him Squire 1. He was a son of Smith Coffey and Hannah Boone.
Squire 2, the first in Maries Co. was a son of Marvel Coffey and Rachel Boone. He was born in TN in 1828 and died 1912 in Hickory Co., MO. He married Drucilla Parker and had children: Matilda, William D. B.; John R., Mary E., Martha E.; and Malinda J.
Smith Coffey and Marvel Coffey were half-brothers, sons of Thomas Coffey; Smith by first wife, Elizabeth Smith and Marvel by second wife, Sarah Fields. Rachel and Hannah Boone were sisters, daughters of Jesse Boone who was a son of Israel, a brother to Daniel.
Squire 3 was Squire Jackson and, a son of Irvin S. and Nancy Hughes Coffey. Irvin was a son of Marvel and Rachel. Squire Jackson was born c1853 and married Sarah F. Gibson in 1876, Maries Co. Their children known to me were Carnie Ellis and, Earnest J.
Squire 4 was also Squire Jackson and a son of John M. and Susan A. Vanderpool Coffey. John M. was a son of Irvin and Nancy Hughes Coffey. This Squire Jackson married Clara Della Eads on Sep. 29, 1901 in Maries Co. Two of their children were Leslie H. and James C.
Squire 2 through 4 were double-first cousins to Squire 1, with 50 years separating the youngest from the oldest.
No. 983