
November 15, 2013

My Health & This Blog

Some of you are likely aware that I have been on chemo since August.  I will spare all of the "inside" details for those who do not know.  I expect to be off chemo sometime in January.

As a result of the effects from that treatment my energy level is dissipated and my interest in this blog has suffered as a result.

With that, I am seeking a knowledgeable Edward Coffey researcher to take over as associate editor of the blog for the foreseeable future.  I think I'll often be able to help with documents, sources, citations, etc.

If interested, please e-mail me your details; e.g., name, where you live, experience in both research, writing and editing, and anything else you care to tell me.  If you have read any of these blogs over the nearly 9 years, you will note that good composition and editing is not my strong suit.  Just so you have a command of the english language and know past from present.  :-)
