To all the well meaning folks that trek the woods and fields searching for and recording graves and headstones, please note that I am forever grateful for your work.
Your photo isn't worth a farthing if it cannot be read!
If you are going to go to all the trouble of locating and photographing a cemetery and you fail to tell the rest of us where it is, no one will be able to find it in the future. To inventory a cemetery in Hancock Co., TN for example, a county of 222 square miles of land, and not name a nearby city, town or village does little to preserve the cemetery for future generations who may want to visit.
With all the "smart phones" and apps available today, it shouldn't be too difficult to find a map, geo coordinates, or something that will tell you where the heck you are!*
Why waste your time taking a photo of a headstone if your own shadow or the shadow of a bush, tree, etc. covers the essential facts!? Why not brush off weeds, dead grass and other debris that might cover the headstone? Take a whisk broom with you. If it is difficult to bend over, take a long handled broom to sweep off ant piles, leaves, etc.
*Geo coordinates is why I believe Billion Graves will eventually win out as the "go to" site to find graves.