According to the Welcome message at this website, "DistantCousin is an online archive of genealogy records and scanned images of historical documents from a wide variety of sources, such as newspaper obituaries, city directories, census records, ship records, ship lists, school yearbooks, military records and more. In all there are 6 million genealogy records from over 1,500 sources online. There are no fees or memberships required to use the records at DistantCousin."
When I visited the site for the first time I found several "Featured Genealogy Databases," including the San Francisco, CA 1922 City Directory, El Paso, TX 1927 City Directory, among others.
It appears that some links go to Ancestry.com ($), and Genealogy.com ($).
Under "United States Genealogy" I clicked on California and found scanned images of a city directory for Menlo Park, CA dated 1926.
Using that link I found clickable page numbers and surnames. Users will have to use the "Find" function in their browser to locate a particular name; the names are "not necessarily in alphabetical order."
On the same page with the link to the city directory, are links to a number of CA university yearbooks. Those - or at least the one or two that I checked - are not scanned, but are extracted lists.
Perhaps the most useful area that I found on this website are the scanned images of city directories. I searched the 1924 Nashville, TN directory and found a couple of Coffee names, and several Coffeys. These are a few:
COFFEE Joe M. (Hallie) mach h2605 Branch av
COFFEE Smith* lab Ward Belmont Sch h1007b 10th av S
COFFEY Benj B pres Reliance Mfg Co h321 21st av N
COFFEY Ella* h620 Webster
COFFEY Emma Mrs R25 Carroll
All in all, this site looks very interesting, and one that needs more exploring. Click on the title link to visit them.