While plowing through my Edward Coffey files today I ran headlong into Enoch Jordan whose wife is either Alice "Allie" Mills or Alice "Allie" Coffey.
If Mills, then I have no idea who she belongs to. I have touched base with a couple of Mills researchers who tell me she was Alice Coffey, a daughter of Bennett Coffey and his wife Sarah Ferguson.
Some researchers believe but cannot prove that Bennett was a son of Benjamin and Mary "Polly" Hayes Coffey. He - Bennett - is said to have been born in 1779 in Wilkes Co., NC which fits with the speculative birth year of 1747 for Benjamin and 1760 for Polly. They are thought to have married c1773 in North Carolina. That year would have made Polly a brand new teenager while Benjamin would have been twice her age.
Tax lists, witness to deeds, etc., show that Bennett and Benjamin had more in common than a shared surname. Is it coincidence that while in Wilkes Co., Benjamin and his family resided in Ferguson's District and that Bennett married a Ferguson girl?
Laurence H. Coffey, researcher of the book Thomas Coffey and His Descendants* wrote that Bennett married Sarah "Sally" Ferguson on Feb. 5, 1805 in Wilkes Co. Marriages of Wilkes County, North Carolina, 1778-1868** by Brent Holcomb, reports that the groom was Bengiman [sic] Coffey and Benet [sic] Coffey was the bondsman. I believe Holcomb's book inadvertently transposes the names. In both compilations, Thomas Norman was a witness.
One would think that having married so early and fathering a number of children well before 1830 Bennett would have shown in early census records. I made a search for him from 1787 (NC state census) through 1830 and he appears only once, and then in 1830 Hawkins Co., TN. I did find a number of Benjamin Coffeys, and a few Bens but, only one Bennett. It's impossible - for me anyway - to figure out if one of those might have instead been Bennett.
I know that his name appears on a document dated Feb. 9, 1812 in Hawkins Co. in which he was witness to an indenture*** involving John Claxton of Grainger Co., TN and Hezekiah Stratton of Hawkins Co. The tract was 75 acres on War Creek. In addition to Bennett, William Stuart and James Byrd were also witnesses. Patrick Donihae [sic], Hezekiah Stratton and Joseph Claud [sic] [Cloud] were mentioned as owning adjacent property.
Bennie Coffey Loftin in her book Clinch Mountain, Tennessee and Beyond,**** wrote that Bennett and his sons Joel and Caswell lived near Benjamin on Big War Creek. Bennett sold to his son Joel, 94 acres for $300 on Feb. 10, 1834. That part of Hawkins Co. later became part of Hancock with was created in 1844. Bennett was also involved in some sort of land dispute with Shadrach Epperson in May of 1835 ending with a judgment for Epperson in which Bennett had to pay him $121.44 for a tract of land that Bennett was then residing on.
The 1840 census for Hawkins county show only four Coffey families in the county: Bennett, Caswell, Jesse and Jane. I am not certain who Jane is. She appeared there in 1830 as well, and with children. Jesse was her neighbor in 1830 and 1840 but I have not identified him either. He could be Bennett's son. Caswell is believed by me to be Bennett's eldest child. By the time of the 1850 census, Bennett was a widower and a Jesse, age 22, and Louisa Coffey, age 19, were living with him. By 1850 Bennett was dead.****
The thought that Jane might be Jane Graves, wife of John Coffey and mother of Benjamin, briefly crossed my mind, but she died in Wilkes Co. in 1792.
In addition to Caswell, Joel and Jesse, it is speculated that William Carrol Coffey, born c1824 in Hawkins Co., and Louisa Coffey, born c1831 are his as well. It would seem likely that we have not yet identified all of his children. In 1830 there were seven people under the age of 20 in his household and two aged 20 to 49, which would account for him and Sally.
In all likelihood Benjamin is Bennett's father. He may also have been named Benjamin and called Ben or Bennett to distinguish one from the other. It would be a plus if it can be documented that Alice Coffey, wife of Enoch Jordan was also his daughter.
Tips and discussion are welcomed.
Aug 4 Update: One important thing I left out: Marvel Jordan was enumerated in the 1880 Rockcastle Co., KY census with his "cousin," Thomas Jefferson Coffey, Jr. This becomes more puzzling as Thomas Jefferson's father was not Thomas Jefferson, Sr. His parents were Ausburn and Matilda Dalton Coffey. I need to work a bit on T.J, Jr. to see if I can gain a bit of insight as to how he might have become a cousin to Marvel.
*Chattanooga, TN: N. Sanders, 1931, Page 85
**Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Pub. Co., 1983, Page 41
***Joyce Martin Murray, 2921 Daniel, Dallas, TX 75205, compiler, Hawkins Co. TN Deed Abstracts 1801-1819; Deed Book 3, Page 329
****Privately published by Loftin, 1984 [Hawkins Co. Deed book 14, pages 406-410]
Showing posts with label Stratton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stratton. Show all posts
August 4, 2010
August 1, 2008
Ernest Webster and Ethel McClung Stratton Coffey

In Feb. 1910 the couple resided with Ernest's cousin, Robert L. Seay in Amherst Co. Robert was the husband of Vernie Coffey, a daughter of Pitt and Lucy Parks White Coffey.
When Ernest called to register for the draft in WWI on Jun. 4, 1917, he was a farmer in Alto, VA and claimed exemption based having a wife and two children, as well as on an unnamed physical disability.
Their child Ernest Webster, Jr. was born Nov. 7, 1912 and died Jan. 13, 1913. The two children living at the time were Doris, born Dec. 9, 1913 and Audrey, born c1917, and before Jun. 4.
On Jan. 21, 1920 the family was in the Pedlar Dist. of Amherst Co. where Ernest was farming. In addition to Doris and Audrey, a third child, Juanita, had been born on Aug., 6, 1918. A fourth child, Ray, was born later in 1920.
By 1930 the family was in Lexington, Rockbridge Co. The children Doris, Audrey, Juanita, and Ray were still living with them, and two more had been born after Ray: Clayton Webster in 1923 and Norman Elwood in 1929.
Ernest was once again called upon to make himself available to the military draft. He registered in Rockbridge Co. on Apr. 27, 1942 at the age of 54. The record indicates that he was 5' 11" tall, had brown hair and eyes.

Doris, born Dec. 9, 1913, died Jul. 31, 2005 in Frederick Co., MD. She married Donald Hafle, born Jun. 1, 1914, died Jan., 1985 in Frederick Co.
Audrey, born c1917, married a Mr. Holtzbach.
Juanita, born Aug. 6, 1918 in Amherst Co., died Oct. 5, 2006 in Lexington. She married Henry V. Blosser.
Her obituary:
BLOSSER, Juanita CoffeyRay Stratton, born c1920. No other information.
Juanita Coffey Blosser, 88, of Lexington, died Thursday, October 5, 2006, at The Mayflower of Lexington.
Born August 6, 1918 in Amherst, she was the daughter of Ernest W. and Ethel Stratton Coffey.
She was a member of St. John's United Methodist Church.
Her husband, Henry V. Blosser preceded her in death. Also preceding her in death were her daughter, Sherry Blosser Fry; two sisters, Audrey Holzbach and Doris Hafle, and two brothers, Clayton Coffey and Norman Coffey.
Surviving are her daughter and son-in-law, Carolyn and Edmund Cox of Blacksburg; grandchildren, Torrie Ruther, Leslie Knutson, Vaughn Cox, and Jill Burnett; five great-grandchildren; a brother and sister-in-law, Stratton and Evelyn Coffey of Lexington; two sisters-in-law, Rita Coffey of Lexington and Dorothy Blosser of Lynchburg; and ten nieces and nephews.
A graveside service will be 11 a.m. Monday, October 9, 2006, at Green Hill Cemetery with the Rev. Deborah A. Koontz officiating. There will be no visitation at the funeral home. The family wishes to thank the wonderful staff at The Mayflower, Lexington and the Rockbridge Area Hospice.
Memorial donations may be made to the Rockbridge Area Hospice. Lomax Funeral Home is handling the arrangements.
Clayton Webster, born Jul. 13, 1923 in Amherst Co., died Jan. 30, 2001 in Lexington. He married Gladys H., last name unknown.
His obituary:
The Roanoke Times, Feb. 1, 2001Norman Elwood, born Dec. 31, 1929 in Rockbridge Co., died Dec. 11, 1999 in Lexington. He married Rita Garrett.
Coffey, Clayton Webster, 77, of Lexington, died Tuesday, January 30, 2001.
Mr. Coffey was born July 13, 1923 in Amherst County, son of the late Ernest W. Coffey and Ethel Stratton Coffey. He was a member of New Monmouth Presbyterian Church. He was a retired construction worker. He was a veteran of WW II and served in the Pacific and European Theaters.
Mr. Coffey was preceded in death by a brother, Norman E. Coffey and a sister, Audrey Holtzbach. He is survived by his wife, Gladys H. Coffey; one son, Arthur David Coffey and wife, Mary Ann of Owingsville, Ky.; two stepsons, Edgar Hamilton of Peters Burg and Ralph Hamilton of Buena Vista; two sisters, Juanita Blosser of Lexington and Doris Hafle of Frederick, Md.; one brother, Ray Stratton Coffey, Sr. and wife, Evelyn of Lexington; sister-in-law, Rita Coffey of Lexington; five grandchildren, Shannon Ann Maria Coffey, Alphonzo Coffey, Bartholomew Coffey, Rosita May Sutton, Arthur Clayton Coffey; ten great-grandchildren.
Funeral service will be conducted at 11 a.m. Friday, February 2, 2001 at Bolling, Grose & Lotts Funeral Chapel, Buena Vista with the Reverend Martin Stokes officiating. Interment will be at Green Hill Mausoleum.
The family will receive friends from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Friday at the funeral home.
His obituary:
The News-Gazette, Lexington, VA, Dec. 15, 1999Please contact me at the above e-mail address to add to or to correct any of this information.
Norman Coffey, Longtime Store Owner, Dies
Norman Elwood Coffey, 69, of Lexington, owner of a Lexington furniture store for almost 25 years, died Saturday, Dec. 11.
Mr. Coffey bought the furniture business he was to become known for, Norman Coffey Furniture, from Blosser Furniture Co. in the '70s and ran the store in two locations until 1981 when he consolidated the store into its location on South Jefferson Street. He operated the store, with the familiar oak rockers out front, until he closed the business and retired in late 1996.
Before entering the furniture business, he was a farmer, running one farm outside of Lexington and a cattle farm on Plank Road. He grew up working at his family's business, Coffey's Amoco Station on U.S. 60, later buying the business and running it until the 60s. He also worked for a time as a carpet inspector at Lees Carpets.
He was born Dec. 31, 1929, in Rockbridge County, son of the late Ernest Webster Coffey and Ethel Stratton Coffey. He was married to Rita Garrett Coffey and was a member of Trinity United Methodist Church. In the past few years he has been a door greeter at Wal-Mart.
In addition to his wife, he is survived by four children, Pam A. Coffey and Tracy L. Coffey, both of Roanoke, Victor A. Coffey of Bedford and Melodie Hoy of Wake Forest, N.C.; two brother, Stratton Coffey and Clayton Coffey, both of Lexington; two sisters, Juanita Blosser of Buena Vista and Doric C. Haffle of Fredrick, Md.; and four grandchildren.
A memorial service will be held at 2 p.m. today, Wednesday, at Trinity United Methodist Church by the Rev. Mark Reuter and the Rev. Fred Arndt. Memorial contributions may be made to the Goshen Rescue Squad, the Rockbridge County Sheriff's Department D.A.R.E. program or Trinity United Methodist Church. Arrangements are by Harrison;s Funeral Home.
*Handwritten note by Doris Coffey Hafle on the newspaper clipping announcing the elopement reports 1901 as marriage year. It appears that she transposed the 0 and 1. Otherwise, Ernest would have been 13 yrs old at the time and Ethel only 9 yrs old.
May 30, 2008
William Webster Davis and his two Coffey wives
William Webster Davis was born Jan. 26, 1837 in Amherst Co., VA and died there on Apr. 10, 1909. He first married Sarah Jane Coffey c1860 in Amherst Co. This union produced two sons, John, born c1861 and Henry c1863. Sarah likely died in childbirth because she disappeared immediately after Henry's birth.
Sarah Jane was the daughter of John Jack and Elizabeth Susan Duff Coffey. John Jack and Henry, father of William Davis' second wife, Avarila Coffey, were brothers. John Jack and Henry were sons of Jordan Coffey.
William married Avarila Coffey on Sep. 14, 1865 in Pedlar Dist., Amherst Co. She was born Mar. 2, 1846 to Henry F. and Elizabeth (Betsy) McDaniel Coffey. Henry is often thought of as a son of Jordan and Elizabeth Rippetoe Coffey, but may have been the son of one of Jordan's daughters out of wedlock.
John Taylor, a Coffeytown researcher, had this to say about Henry:
William and Sarah's children were John Davis, born c1861, and Henry, born c1863.
Children by Avarila were:
Virginia Anne (Jenny) Davis, born 1866, died 1941. She married Arthur Coffey, a once removed first cousin and son of William (Billy) and Sarah G. (Sally) Crawford Coffey. Billy was a son of Jordan and Elizabeth.
Arthur Coffey
Arthur and Jenny's children were: Hallie Pearl, born c1881, married John Houston Crawford; Hiram Randolph, born Feb. 26, 1886, died Sep. 17, 1924, married Susie A. Catlett; Mabel Irene, born Jan. 3, 1885, married Emmett Boyd Humphries; Ernest Webster, born Feb. 5, 1888, died 1982, married Ethel McClung Stratton, daughter of George Baxter and Elianna [Eleanor?] Coffey. Elianna was the daughter of Charles Edward and Sarah Jane Ogden Coffey.
The next child born to Arthur and Jenny was Alma Gertrude, born c1891, married Thomas Powell Crawford; Fletcher Beadles, born Oct. 3, 1893, died Aug. 11, 1975, married Maggie Lee Harris; Mina Lee, born Jan. 10, 1895, died Feb. 1, 1979, married first to Thompson Massie Davis; second to James William Gibson.
Sally, born c1897, followed Mina. She married first Wallace Earl Palmer and second, Glenn Wyatt; Leonard Carlyle, born May 13, 1903, died Aug. 23, 1959, married Mary Elsie Coffey, a daughter of Hiter Webster and Mary Higginbotham Coffey. Hiter was also a son of Charles Edward and Sarah Jane Ogden Coffey.

Leonard Carlyle and Mary Elsie Coffey Coffey
The last child of Arthur and Virginia was Essie Rose, born Apr. 4, 1907, died Jun. 19, 1999. She married Emmett Lewis Sale.
The remaining children of William Webster and Avarila Coffey Davis were:
Ida Penn, born c1867; Cornelia Catherine, born c1869, married Thomas H. McDaniel; Elizabeth Pendleton, born about Apr. 1870; Amanda Ellen, born c1873; Houston Carlyle, born c1874; Mary Lee, born c1877; Callie Tucker, born Sep. 1881; Tully Ashby, born Mar. 8, 1883; Chester Cleveland, born Jan. 11, 1885; Royal Wilbur, born Oct. 10, 1886; and Edna Belle, born Apr., 1891.
Please contact me at the above e-mail address with additions and/or corrections.
Sarah Jane was the daughter of John Jack and Elizabeth Susan Duff Coffey. John Jack and Henry, father of William Davis' second wife, Avarila Coffey, were brothers. John Jack and Henry were sons of Jordan Coffey.
William married Avarila Coffey on Sep. 14, 1865 in Pedlar Dist., Amherst Co. She was born Mar. 2, 1846 to Henry F. and Elizabeth (Betsy) McDaniel Coffey. Henry is often thought of as a son of Jordan and Elizabeth Rippetoe Coffey, but may have been the son of one of Jordan's daughters out of wedlock.
John Taylor, a Coffeytown researcher, had this to say about Henry:
"...although Henry Coffey shows for the first time in the 1850 Census as the head of a household, he may have been one of 2 boys his age living with Jordan and Elizabeth in 1840. According to Census reports, Henry was born around 1817. He married, at the age of 31, Elizabeth (McDaniel) (Ogden) Coffey, who was slightly older than Henry, and she had several children of her own from a previous marriage to Zachariah Ogden. Henry seems to have acted as guardian to her older children and they took his surname, at least for the census reports, but, except for Paulin, they are believed to have used their own surnames later. Henry F. Coffey died 10 June 1871 of Colic, in Amherst County, according to the Amherst County death records. The information on the death record, including naming his parents as Charles and Jane Coffey of Nelson County, was given by Henry's son, Henry L. Coffey. His place of burial is unknown, but is probably up on the hill behind Embree Crawford's house [Coffeytown], in an unmarked grave, perhaps with Elizabeth."
William and Sarah's children were John Davis, born c1861, and Henry, born c1863.
Children by Avarila were:
Virginia Anne (Jenny) Davis, born 1866, died 1941. She married Arthur Coffey, a once removed first cousin and son of William (Billy) and Sarah G. (Sally) Crawford Coffey. Billy was a son of Jordan and Elizabeth.
Arthur and Jenny's children were: Hallie Pearl, born c1881, married John Houston Crawford; Hiram Randolph, born Feb. 26, 1886, died Sep. 17, 1924, married Susie A. Catlett; Mabel Irene, born Jan. 3, 1885, married Emmett Boyd Humphries; Ernest Webster, born Feb. 5, 1888, died 1982, married Ethel McClung Stratton, daughter of George Baxter and Elianna [Eleanor?] Coffey. Elianna was the daughter of Charles Edward and Sarah Jane Ogden Coffey.
The next child born to Arthur and Jenny was Alma Gertrude, born c1891, married Thomas Powell Crawford; Fletcher Beadles, born Oct. 3, 1893, died Aug. 11, 1975, married Maggie Lee Harris; Mina Lee, born Jan. 10, 1895, died Feb. 1, 1979, married first to Thompson Massie Davis; second to James William Gibson.
Sally, born c1897, followed Mina. She married first Wallace Earl Palmer and second, Glenn Wyatt; Leonard Carlyle, born May 13, 1903, died Aug. 23, 1959, married Mary Elsie Coffey, a daughter of Hiter Webster and Mary Higginbotham Coffey. Hiter was also a son of Charles Edward and Sarah Jane Ogden Coffey.

Leonard Carlyle and Mary Elsie Coffey Coffey
The last child of Arthur and Virginia was Essie Rose, born Apr. 4, 1907, died Jun. 19, 1999. She married Emmett Lewis Sale.
The remaining children of William Webster and Avarila Coffey Davis were:
Ida Penn, born c1867; Cornelia Catherine, born c1869, married Thomas H. McDaniel; Elizabeth Pendleton, born about Apr. 1870; Amanda Ellen, born c1873; Houston Carlyle, born c1874; Mary Lee, born c1877; Callie Tucker, born Sep. 1881; Tully Ashby, born Mar. 8, 1883; Chester Cleveland, born Jan. 11, 1885; Royal Wilbur, born Oct. 10, 1886; and Edna Belle, born Apr., 1891.
Please contact me at the above e-mail address with additions and/or corrections.
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