
June 3, 2007

Search Engines and Old Coffey Cousins' Links

The statistics service that I use to monitor the number of readers and how they got to this blog gives me some simple stuff like how the visitor found the blog, how long they stayed, how many pages they read, which page they read first and which page they read last.

One thing that I have noticed: Those who use Google, Yahoo or other search engines to find this blog is many just read for a few seconds and and leave, not finding what they want. Had they read a bit further, or perhaps used the search engine found on every blog page they would likely have found exactly what they were looking for!

If you are one of those who hasn't been able to find the information you want, look at the right side of this screen. There you will find a small blog search window. Enter one or two words that interest you and, all blogs will be searched.

For example, suppose you enter "Coffeytown" in the search block and hit enter. Every Coffey Call blog that mentions Coffeytown will be displayed, one after another. The newest blog will be at the top, the earliest at the bottom.  Quotes are necessary.

The first page will display a small framed box at the top of the first return that reads "Show all posts." Do not click on that! It will just take you back to the most current blog. I have no idea why it's there!

I have been writing this blog since Dec., 2004. Many of them contain links to the OLD Coffey Cousins' website at Rootsweb.

Those links are no longer valid.

Instead of clicking on one of those links, visit and bookmark the new website. A search engine has been included on the new site that will help you find what you need. If not, contact me for help.